

A collection of interesting papers, mostly for myself to keep track.

Variational Quantum Eigensolver Review

A variational eigenvalue solver on a quantum processor

Best Quantum Compiling Problems

Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits

Approximate Quantum Compiler

Optimization of Quantum Circuit Mapping

Elementary Gates for Quantum Computation

Variational Quantum Factoring

Quantum Tensor Networks in a Nutshell

Tensor Networks for Complex Systems

Optimal Qubit Assignment and Routing via Integer Programming (Qiskit)

CS 269Q Lecture Notes

Graph-Coupled Oscillator Networks

Graph Neural Diffusion

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Gradients of Parameterized Quantum Gates Using the Parameter-Shift Rule

Variational Quantum Algorithms

Quantum Natural Gradients

Quantum Natural Gradient Demo (Pennylane)

Quantum Natural Language Generation on Near-Term Devices

On the Natural Gradient for Variational Quantum Eigensolver

The Power of Quantum Neural Networks

Liquid Time-Constant Networks

Closed-Form Continuous-Time Neural Networks

Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Seminal)

Grover Adaptive Search for Constrained Polynomial Binary Optimization

Optimized Compilation of Aggregated Instructions for Realistic Quantum Computers

Resource-Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Protein Folding

Resource-Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Protein Folding (Sup. Mat.)

Gate-Free State Preparation for Fast Variational Quantum Eigensolver Simulations

GRAPE: Design of NMR Pulse Sequences by Gradient Ascent Algorithms

Construction of Energy Functions for Lattice Heteropolymer Models: A Case Study in Constraint Satisfaction Programming and Adiabatic Quantum Optimization

Solving Quantum Chemistry Problems with a D-Wave Quantum Annealer

t|ket⟩: A Retargetable Compiler for NISQ Devices

Structured Cospans

Approximate Quantum Compiling for Quantum Simulation: A Tensor Network-Based Approach

Mathematical Game Theory

Foundational Patterns for Efficient Quantum Computing

Thermodynamic AI and the Fluctuation Frontier

Thermodynamic Linear Algebra

Compiling machine learning programs via high-level tracing

Thermodynamic Matrix Exponentials and Thermodynamic Parallelism

Invariance and equivariance in brains and machines

Disentangling images with Lie group transformations and sparse coding

Principles of Neural Design

Analog Memory and High-Dimensional Computation

Neuromorphic Visual Scene Understanding with Resonator Networks

Hippocampal memory, cognition, and the role of sleep

Computing with Residue Numbers in High-Dimensional Representation

Visual scene analysis via factorization of HD vectors

Classically Estimating Observables of Noiseless Quantum Circuits

Classical Surrogate Simulation of Quantum Systems with LOWESA

Network Thermodynamics

Tensorized Pauli decomposition algorithm

PauliComposer: Compute Tensor Products of Pauli Matrices Efficiently

Decomposing dense matrices into dense Pauli tensors

Towards large-scale quantum optimization solvers with few qubits

Variational quantum optimization with multibasis encodings

Statistical Physics of Self-Replication

Transmit LoRa Frames Without a Radio)

Decomposition Pipeline for Large-Scale Portfolio Optimization with Applications to Near-Term Quantum Computing

Building a simple oscillator based Ising machine for research and education

Geometric Deep Learning Grids, Groups, Graphs, Geodesics, and Gauges

FABLE: Fast Approximate Quantum Circuits for Block-Encodings

Braindrop: A Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic Architecture With a Dynamical Systems-Based Programming Model

Noise-injected analog Ising machines enable ultrafast statistical sampling and machine learning

Natural gradient and parameter estimation for quantum Boltzmann machines

The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model

Tensor Algebra on an Optoelectronic Microchip

Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics

The story of PX4 and Pixhawk

Analog Paradigm

Running Markov Chain Monte Carlo on Modern Hardware and Software

Oscillator-based Ising Machine

OIM: Oscillator-based Ising Machines for Solving Combinatorial Optimisation Problems

Solving combinatorial optimisation problems using oscillator based Ising machines

Deep Differentiable Logic Gate Networks

Convolutional Differentiable Logic Gate Networks

Thermodynamic Natural Gradient Descent

Thermodynamic Computing System for AI Applications

An Elementary Introduction to Kalman Filtering

The Hardware Lottery

Coupled-Oscillator Models: State-Space & Dynamics

State Space Approach to Solving RLC circuits

On the State Space Geometry of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky Flow in a Periodic Domain

Circuit Synthesis and Electrical Interpretation of Synchronization in the Kuramoto Model

Generative models of cortical oscillations: neurobiological implications of the Kuramoto model

A Survey of Spiking Neural Network Accelerator on FPGA

Lyapunov function for the Kuramoto model of nonlinearly coupled oscillators

Novel Computing Paradigms using Oscillators

Solving combinatorial optimisation problems using oscillator based Ising machines

Use of the CMOS Unbuffered Inverter in Oscillator Circuits

Harmonic Oscillators in CMOS—A Tutorial Overview

Autonomous Probabilistic Coprocessing with Petaflips per Second

Hardware-Aware In Situ Learning Based on Stochastic Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Roadmap for unconventional computing with nanotechnology

A Reliable and Efficient Procedure for Oscillator PPV Computation, With Phase Noise Macromodeling Applications

A Modern Primer on Processing in Memory

A Simplified Phase Model for Oscillator Based Computing

Analysis and design of sub-harmonically injection locked oscillators

Synchronization in Complex Networks of Phase Oscillators: A Survey

Rigorous Q Factor Formulation and Characterization for Nonlinear Oscillators

Methods for Computing Periodic Steady-State - Part II

Notes on Oscillators

An integrated coupled oscillator network to solve optimization problems

Analyzing Oscillators using Describing Functions

Thermodynamic Algorithms for Quadratic Programming

A coherent Ising machine for 2000-node optimization problems

Dependence of LC VCO Oscillation Frequency on Bias Current

Digitally Synthesized Stochastic Flash ADC Using Only Standard Digital Cells

An Ising solver chip based on coupled ring oscillators with a 48-node all-to-all connected array architecture

Analog Coupled Oscillator Based Weighted Ising Machine

Provable bounds for noise-free expectation values computed from noisy samples

A Rigorous Graphical Technique for Predicting Sub-harmonic Injection Locking in LC Oscillators

Design Issues in CMOS Differential LC Oscillators

Ising machines: Hardware solvers for combinatorial optimization problems

Experimental investigation of performance differences between Co- herent Ising Machines and a quantum annealer

Equivalence of coupled parametric oscillator dynamics to Lagrange multiplier primal-dual optimization

A unifying framework for mean-field theories of asymmetric kinetic Ising systems

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the asymmetric Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

Late Breaking Results: New Computational Results and Hardware Prototypes for Oscillator-based Ising Machines

QCLAB++: Simulating Quantum Circuits on GPUs

Explicit Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Certain Sparse Matrices

FABLE: Fast Approximate Quantum Circuits for Block-Encodings

An algebraic quantum circuit compression algorithm for Hamiltonian simulation

QASMTrans: A QASM based Quantum Transpiler Framework for NISQ Devices

Stability and decay of Bloch oscillations in presence of time-dependent nonlinearity

Recent Advances in Coupled Oscillator Theory

Creating electronic oscillator-based Ising machines without external injection locking

Oscillator-based optimization: design, emulation, and implementation

An Ising Hamiltonian solver based on coupled stochastic phase-transition nano-oscillators

CMOS-Compatible Ising Machines built using Bistable Latches Coupled through Ferroelectric Transistor Arrays

Spintronic devices as next-generation computation accelerators

Silicon microring resonators

On computational capabilities of Ising machines based on nonlinear oscillators

Self-contained relaxation-based dynamical Ising machines

Custom CMOS Ising Machine Based on Relaxed Burer-Monteiro-Zhang Heuristic

Ising machines as hardware solvers of combinatorial optimization problems

Augmenting an electronic Ising machine to effectively solve boolean satisfiability

100,000-spin coherent Ising machine

A moment-based approach to the dynamical solution of the Kuramoto model

Stability diagram for the forced Kuramoto model

Quantum collective motion of macroscopic mechanical oscillators

All-to-all reconfigurability with sparse and higher-order Ising machines

Electrical and Wave Digital Modeling of CMOS-Based Ring Oscillators

Deriving Dense Linear Algebra Libraries